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GTag is a GUI toolkit for building beautiful (components based) applications for desktop, web, and mobile(android) from a single python3 codebase.

GTag is a guy sub module : It's pure python3.

It's like flutter, justpy, remi, fluent ... but based on guy, so it inherits of all guy's features OOTB (working in its own window gui (chrome or cef), working as a web server, working on all platforms, and can be released as apk/android, or a pypi app)

It's a lot inspired from vuejs concepts (you will find components, lifecycle, own data, two ways data bindings, computed parts & state (like vuex)), but for python3 only.

At start, it was just a test, a proof of concept. But, while things going working very well, with a minimal number of (<200) lines : it takes life as a real project, named gtag (with unitests covering 99% of the code)

GTag's name means "Guy Tag" (or GUI Tag)

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