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Client side : guy.js

Not like the good old wuy; javascript's apis are in two objetcs :

  • guy : to handle the core of guy.
  • self : to handle the declared methods in the guy's class, on server side

Guy's apis

guy.init( function() { ... } )

Will run the function when everything is started. It's a good place to start your logic.

BTW, since >=0.4.3 ... it's a better practice to call a js method, from py side, to start your logic ... like this :

class Example(Guy):
    function start() {
        // ....
    async def init(self):
        await self.js.start()

guy.on( event, function(arg1, arg2, ...) { ... } )

To listen to an event ...

It returns a method to unsubscribe the listenner.

guy.emit( event, arg1, arg2, ...)

To emit an event to all connected clients.

It's a non-sense in app or cef mode : because there is only one client. It only got sense in server mode.

guy.emitMe( event, arg1, arg2, ...)

To emit an event to the current client (only me;-)).

guy.fetch( url, options )

Same as window.fetch, but it's the server which will do the request, to avoid CORS issues.

guy.exit( returnValue=None )

Exit the app.

If you want to get a "returnValue", you can set here the returned value, in py side:

   returnValue =

async guy.cfg

A place to get/set vars, which will be stored on server side, in a config.json file, where the main executable is runned. (if the guy'app is embedded in a pip/package, the config file will be stored in `~/.<package_name>.json)

To set a var 'name', in js side : = "Elton";

To get a var 'name', in js side :

var name = await;

Self's apis

It's all the apis which have been defined in the class instance.

If you have a class like that, on py side:

class Simple(Guy):
    """<button onclick="self.test()">test</button>"""

    def test(self):
        print("hello world")

You wil have a self.test() method in client side !

Theses methods can be sync or async, depending on your need.

self.exit( returnValue=None )

Exit the current instance, if it's the main instance : it quits the app.

If you want to get a "returnValue", you can set the returned value, which will be returned in py side:

   returnValue =