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Using a reqman.conf

It can be very useful to share common things in a single place : the reqman.conf is here for that ! It's not needed: reqman can work without it. But if you need to share things between many files ; it's the place.

Basically, it's a yaml file, which is a dictionnary of key:value.

It is useful :

  • to define some globals parameters (and root, timeout, headers, ...)
  • to declare some switches for command line.
  • to share some global procedures between yaml's files.
  • to share some global python params/methods between yaml's files.

Define some globals parameters

In the reqman.conf, you can create as many global parameters as you want, in a dict form ;-)


myValue: 42

  - 12
  - "hello"

In fact you can create as many params as you want, but you should avoid to name your params with the reserved keywords : root, timeout, headers, switches, BEGIN & END whose have a special function.


It's the root path, which is used as prefix when a request use a relative path


tip: this var can be overriden in a "params"/"foreach" statement.


the root's content is auto-prepended on request's path which doesn't have a scheme/protocol (http(s)://, ws(s):// ...)


It's the max time in milliseconds to wait the response

timeout: 100  #100ms max

tip: this var can be overriden in a "params"/"foreach" statement.


Global headers for all tests

    content-type: application/json

Declare switches for command line


Switches are a reqman's feature, to let you override default param with command line switches.

Here is a simple reqman.conf:



if you run :

$ reqman test.yml

it will use as root var.

if you run :

$ reqman test.yml -goog

it will use as root var.

In fact, every things declared under the goog key will override things which are declared at the root of the file.

You can combine as many switches as you want ...

BTW, you can add a 'doc' statement, which will appear in command line usage, like this:


        doc: "to test google ;-)"


Previous Reqman versions used switchs statement (a spelling error). But now, the two syntax are supported ... but prefer switches (it's more compliant ;-))

Declare procedures

As you can declare a procedure in a yaml's test file, you can declare it in the reqman.conf. So every test's files can use it.

But there are two special procedures: BEGIN & END

"BEGIN" procedure

It's a special procedure, which can be declared in reqman.conf only, and is auto-called at the beginning of all tests. It can be useful to obtain an oauth2 token bearer, initiate some things, ...

"END" procedure

It's a special procedure, which can be declared in reqman.conf only, and is auto-called at the end of all tests. It can be useful to clear some things after all tests, ...